Songs Of the Cattle Trail & Cow Camp

Complete Text & Lyrics by John A Lomax

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" The Road to Ruin "
I asked about our old-time friends, those cheery,
sporty men;
And some was in the poor-house, Tom, and some
was in the pen.
You know the one you liked the best? — the hang-
man laid him low,—
Oh, few are left that used to booze some twenty
years ago.
You recollect our favorite, whom pride claimed for
her own,—
He used to say that he could booze or leave the
stuff alone.
He perished for the James Fitz James, out in the
rain and snow,—
Yes, few survive who used to booze some twenty
years ago.
I visited the old church yard and there I saw the
Of those who used to drown their woes in old fer-
mented ways,
I saw the graves of women thar, lying where the
daisies grow,
Who wept and died of broken hearts some twenty
years ago.
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